Don Alexis Thermic Aerobic and 2nd place at IBC 2024

In January 2024, we advanced to the finals of the Italian National Barista Championship after triumphing in the preliminary round in Turin. Matteo secured 2nd place this year, further solidifying our consistent presence as a top-tier barista team on the national stage:

  • 1st place in 2022

  • 2nd place in 2023

  • 2nd place in 2024

While this might seem like a setback to many, including Matteo, it's essential to recognize that maintaining such high standards and inspiring others through the coffees we source, roast, and present on stage is a professional achievement in itself. It allows us to effectively communicate our values within the coffee community.

The Italian Barista Championship, organized by SCA worldwide, annually showcases the talent of national champions, culminating in the crowning of the World Barista Champion. Matteo represented Italy in 2022 after clinching the Italian Barista Championship title that year, achieving a commendable 11th place in the World Ranking. (Link to the 2022 Italian Barista Championship video)

Despite winning the nationals once, our motivation and desire to share new projects, coffees, and ideas on the barista's role propel us to engage in these fiercely competitive events year after year. (Link to the 2022 World Ranking 11th place video)

The 2024 season was particularly significant for us to communicate and highlight the following key points:

  • Fermentation techniques are evolving rapidly, often yielding remarkable coffee cups. However, they can also obscure the distinct identities of farms and varieties.

  • Hence, our routine this year centered on two coffees processed using innovative fermentation techniques, which we refer to as "variety-focused coffees." Here, the fermentation approach is tailored to accentuate the variety and farm identity.

  • We took immense pleasure in sourcing, roasting, and showcasing Don Alexis Catuai from Costa Rica. It underscored our belief that there are still countless incredible coffees and producers waiting to be discovered worldwide.

  • A simple yet innovative process like thermic aerobic fermentation can enhance a variety like Catuai, elevating its complexity without compromising its origin identity.

  • While extended fermentations may yield complex flavors, many varieties can taste quite similar to each other. Therefore, we prioritize coffees that highlight their terroir identity.

As always, every competitor and team gave their best effort. It's crucial that the level of professionalism and coffee knowledge in Italy continues to improve.

Now available in our current selection of single-origin coffees is the fantastic Thermic Aerobic Catuai produced by Don Alexis Coffee in the Los Santos region of Costa Rica, grown at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level. It offers a delightful fruity and sweet cup, with layers of tropical fruits and red berry nuances. Whether enjoyed as a filter or espresso, we believe it's a truly exceptional cup. Now, it's your turn to discover more about this variety and process. Enjoy!


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